Fancy Free Bouquet

Item # TEV32-2A
Fancy Free Bouquet
Fancy Free Bouquet
Fancy Free Bouquet
Fancy Free Bouquet

Juicy orange and fuchsia blooms are a fancy-fun way to celebrate that special someone. This beautiful bouquet of fresh, sherbet-hued flowers is presented in our orange Serendipity vase - a heartwarming gift all year long!

Orange roses, pink alstroemeria, dark pink carnations and miniature red carnations are accented with fresh bupleurum, lemon leaf and variegated pittosporum.

Substitution Policy

Due to seasonal availability, if the exact flowers or container you have selected are not available, our expert florist will create a beautiful bouquet with the freshest available flowers. We will only substitute items of equal or higher value.

Product Options

Yes, make it extra special!

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